
Showing posts from September, 2018

Week 4: To Walk Among Supertardigrades

Planet M-Franciscae is, in many ways, an alternate course of events that our own Earth might have taken. It's the alternate reality that we gave more time for primordial life to retain some of its key characteristics, to diversify and develop intelligence similar to humans; in other words, the extreme conditions of Earth's Proterozoic and Paleozoic eras remained rather unchanged. The planet's ecosystem is dominated by volcanic activity and hydrothermal vents, a product of significant tidal flexing early on in the planet's formation. Oxygen levels, much like the aforementioned Earth eras, are low. Heat transfers easily to the poles by way of the two moons on opposite axis ends of this planet. Planet M-Franciscae is smaller than that of Earth, its axial revolutions shorter too - and the days a mere fifteen hours. There is virtually no tilt to this planet's axis; seasons do not exist here. In an effort to describe the extreme conditions - and the resulting extremop...

Worldbuilding Week 3: Life on Planet M-Franciscae

This week, we listened to environmental scientist Tim Rumage speak to us about the fundamentals on species and life forms, and what they require to survive. He addressed the dynamics of predators and prey, as well as the extraneous factors impacting species that is brought upon by climate change. Connecting issues we currently face in the real world to our fictional worlds is quite important, and brings credibility to the narrative. below are notes I took during the talk; below this is my visualization of Planet M-Franciscae, where discussion had just begun on the previous post. Notes from Tim's presentation: primary production - who is generating the initial batch of energy consider the food chain death rates factor in...relate back to nutrient cycle "Life wants to live" how is energy preserved? consider dormancy habits in species diversity - complete values of natural world and # of species; survivability; about adaptation consider UV or infrared sight; could...

Worldbuilding Week 2: Planet M-Franciscae, Land of Supertardigrades

This week, we listened to astrophysicist Jeff Rodger's (South Florida Museum) lecture on quantum mechanics, tying into the Big Bang theory, tying into geological and biological beginnings and development. The lecture was a good reference point for our own project, which is directed to imagining and developing our own exoplanet. The only parameters for this planet is that it abides to our universe's laws of physics, and that it has goldilocks conditions that permit carbon-based life forms. Written below are my notes from the presentation; below this are my specifications for my original exoplanet. Notes from Jeff Rodger’s presentation, for use on personal project: Tidal flexing - europa, jupiter’s moon; gravity stretches/contracts on this and could potentially create goldilocks conditions? Has a lot to do with volcanoes. Find out about the pizza planet Rodgers mentioned for a notable example Tilt of axis determines seasons dents/cold spots in thermal imaging...